About Us

Learn What's Working

Assess Available Options

Partner with Visigistics

Today’s leaders need options for their supply chains

Our goal is to help you establish a clear path to reliable logistics.

We see it every day. Executives are looking for solutions in time when logistics seems to have more negatives than positives. Clear paths can be found.

Our team diligently works throughout the market to understand what is working and what’s not. We share this information openly in our executive roundtables. You need solutions. We want to be your solution provider.

Our Professionals

Teamwork Begins by Building Trust

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

Troy Patterson_new
Troy Patterson

President and Founder

Troy Patterson, President of Visigistics, is a seasoned executive focused in the logistics industry. He understands the priority of a reliable supply chain and how it impacts a business’s overall profitability. Visigistics offers leaders a clear path to reliable logistics. We work with manufacturers, importers, exporters, and distribution companies to offer business leaders logistics options, strategies, and insights that work despite the challenges in today’s world of logistics.

John Reece_New
John Reece


John helps companies grow by navigating through business challenges toward a thriving organization. He guides the translation and execution of plans as he discovers patterns and solves complex problems. 

John draws on his experience of over 250 projects in over fifteen industries as he works to enhance business strategy and operations in the areas of program development, financial management, sales and marketing, accounting, human performance, operations, supply chain, and technology.

3 Ways Visigistics Helps Your Business to Get Stuff Done:

How to Get Started

Learn What’s Working in Today’s Market

Evaluate how to survive in today’s market

Assess Options for Your Business

See solutions that are working for other companies

Partner with Visigistics to get stuff done

Get stuff done with Visigistics Solutions

Want to know more about

Our Services

Please don't hesitate to contact us about your logistics and supply chain needs.  

Contact Us

Our consultants will work with you to determine if we are a fit for your project.  If we don't think we are a fit we will be glad to give you a referral to someone who we think can.